miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012


I know that this may seem silly to some, but I still love how exotic fruits are different here.  When I think of exotic fruits, I think of pineapples, mangos, papaya, passionfruit and starfruit.  But here, they think of apples, pears and grapes.  I was at school when the first and second grade teacher was having her students color pictures of common fruits.  What would I have done in first or second grade?  Yellow banana, red apple, yellow pear, purple grapes, oranges, or red strawberries.  Here, those things (except for the bananas) are a delicacy.  Instead, they colored in papaya, pineapple, marañón (cashew fruit) and mangos.  It blows my mind still!  Here, perfectly good mangos rot on the ground where they fall because there aren´t enough people to eat them all.  What they love are apples and pears, which I get sick of in mid December because they are the only economical fruit available in the States.

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